What is Asana Breakdown in Yin Yoga?

Written by Anna Caldwell

In any yoga teacher training, there is a large focus on how we physically move our students through space on their mat. In yogic language, this is referred to by the Sanskrit word “asana” which, interestingly, is best translated as “to sit down.” This literal meaning has been somewhat lost in Hatha Yoga practices, as asana tends to refer to what can be quite a rigorous physical experience as the body moves through various yoga postures. Through this, however, we can understand asana as each individual posture in a yoga class.

In a yin yoga teacher training, it is especially important to break down each layer of the physical posture, moving through each dimension of the practice that is inherently embedded within each asana. This means that in our yin yoga teacher training, the student gains insight into the physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual and mental qualities that span each posture of the body. Asana breakdown in a yin yoga teacher training is the time where all of your questions are answered. This is the space in which the yin yoga student is walked through each component of the asana to create a foundational understanding of where they can then guide their students post-training.

In each teacher training, asana breakdown serves as the time where we break down what it means to teach yin yoga. This is the ‘how to’ and the ‘why.’ This can be called the ‘behind the scenes’ of teaching yin yoga through the lens of each dimension of the practice. In our 50hr Yin Yoga and Neuroplasticity training, for example, we might dive into the implications of neuroplasticity, cueing, etc. as it pertains to the body and asana for us as teachers. Asana breakdown is the practical bit in which we break down the posture from cueing to propping, to adjustment options, as well as understanding the target areas in the body. This session is about you, as the student, and your experience in the yin yoga teacher training and building your expertise and understanding of the practice.

Safety is of upmost importance in yin yoga, which is why particularly in our foundational 100hr Yin Yoga, Functional Anatomy and Chinese Medicine, there is a huge emphasis on the functional approach to the practice as explored in the asana breakdown.

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If you are interested in learning more about training in Yin Yoga, Shanti Atma Yoga offers a variety of trainings exploring the many avenues to self-healing, teacher development and deepening your yoga practice:

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Online:

Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 100 hour Functional Anatomy and Chinese Medicine
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 100 hour Pranayama, Meditation and Mindfulness
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 80 hour Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 50 hour Neuroplasticity and Mindfulness
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 50 hour Essential Oils and Emotional Intelligence

Residential Yin Yoga Teacher Training:

Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 100 hour Functional Anatomy and Chinese Medicine
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 100 hour Pranayama, Meditation and Mindfulness
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 80 hour Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 50 hour Neuroplasticity and Mindfulness
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 50 hour Essential Oils and Emotional Intelligence
Yin Yoga Teacher Training: 200 hour 5 Bodies Approach


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