Yin Yoga, Emotional Intelligence and Aromatherapy
& Teaching Methodology (50 hours)
– This is where soul workers go deeper –
Dive into the intelligence of Yin Yoga, the emotion behind Aromatherapy and learn to bring it to Your Students in a safe way.
This is where soul workers go deeper
Self paced online course through videos, audios, documents, personal feedback, support and mentorship.

Yin Yoga Class
You will experience different class intentions based on the modules content, demonstrating the art of teaching techniques discussed in the course. You will have a deeeper and embodied perspective of practice.

Essential Oils Class
You will be walked through how to use the power of essential oils during Yin Yoga sessions. You will be introduced to the properties, benefits and contraindications of using essential oils both on and off the mat for positive well-being

You will intricately break down the components of Yin Yoga, Emotional Intelligence and Aromatherapy. You will be able to link practice and theory together for a fundamental and embodied experience and understanding.

Art of Teaching
This is what it means to teach yin yoga. This is about the responsibility of teaching Yin Yoga and facilitating the space. You will be empowered and confident to host a safe and authentic class, without losing your special touch and personality.

Course Timeline:
This course is on an online portal and is self paced. This is the perfect course to fit around your personal schedule and daily life.

What you Get

50 Hour Yin Yoga
Emotional Intelligence and Aromatherapy
WEEK 1: Foundations of Yin Yoga
Essential Oils – lavender & Orange
Application of Essential Oils
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Intro to Aromatherapy & Essential Oils
Introduction to Yin Yoga
Roots of Yin Yoga
Yin Principles, practice & propping
Art of teaching: responsibilities
Asana Breakdown
Art of Essential Oils in Asana
Teaching and practising: Into the emotional dimension
Self Study
WEEK 2: Brain on Yin
Essential Oils – Bergamont & Neroli
Application of Essential Oils
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 1 Review
Common Uses of Essential Oils
Chemistry of Essential Oils
Intro to Emotional intelligence
Science of body brain connect
Neuroplasticity Foundations
Power of neuroplasticity
Art of Teaching: Communication
Art of Asana
Art of Essential Oils in Asana
Teaching and practising: Into the mental landscape
Self Study
WEEK 3: Emotional Intelligence
Essential Oils – frankincense & cedarwood
Application of Essential Oils
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 2 review
Adverse Reactions & Phototoxicity
Limbic System & Emotional Brain
Olfactory System
Emotional Intelligence
Our 2 Brains
Asana Breakdown
Art of Essential Oils in Asana
Teaching and practising: Holding Space with Emotional Intelligence
Specialist Guest Interview – Positive Psychology & Emotional Intelligence
Self Study
WEEK 4: Aromatherapy
Essential Oils – Clary Sage & Geranium
Application of Essential Oils
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Aromatherapy Ethics
Using essential Oils in Yin Yoga & life
Energy & Essential Oils
Art of Teaching: Sequencing from emotional space
Asana Breakdown
Art of Essential Oils in Asana
Teaching and practising: for awareness
What’s next
Self Study

By Joining this Online Training You Will Receive
>> 50 hours of educational content
>> 4 Yin Yoga Classes
>> 4 Meditation Classes
>> 43 Video Sessions
>> Yoga Alliance Certification Upon Completion
>> Practical Assignments
>> Practical Workshops
>> Limited or lifetime access to all content

What you will gain:

Still Have Questions?
Do I need to have completed a 200 hour training?
No, you do not need to have any previous yoga education. On this Yin Yoga course there is an introduction to the foundation of the practice and teaching of Yin Yoga as well as the body and its anatomy. The course builds upon this foundation to deepen the experiential learning of Yin Yoga. Everyone is welcome to deepen their path whether teaching or practising.
Is This Refundable?
All purchases are non-refundable due to the time, effort and energy that has gone in to create them for you.
The consumer takes responsibility for the purchase of the course as we take the decision to develop as a Yin teacher seriously.
Is this Yoga Alliance certified?
Yes – you can submit this as non – contact hours of training
Is the course self paced?
Yes – all tiers are self paced
Will I be able to teach after this course?
You will be prepared and have the foundations needed to sequence, structure and hold a safe and authentic Yin Yoga class
What is the investment?
Each tier has a different investment. Please check above on the “buy now”
What if I have already trained in Yin Yoga?
There will always be things to learn from additional courses. Everybody has different experiences and comes from different expertise. It is good to have a variety of training in one style.
Does the course have a start and end date?
No – You can start and finish whenever is right for you
Can you download the content?
The documents are downloadable. The videos are only available on the online portal. You will have your personal log ins to your private online portal space.
Can I contact you if I have any questions during the course?
Yes of course! We have a separate email for all online course trainees
Is this course the same as the other Shanti Atma trainings?
No. This is the foundation course which will prepare you for the more advanced training’s.