Training Library
– Transform Your Teaching Beyond Asana –

Pranamaya, Meditation and Mindfulness – 100hr
Dive into the breath behind asana, the mind behind meditation and bring it all to your students in a safe way.

Yoga Business Mentorship Success Stories

Lacey, UK
I never really understood before
The theory was explained in a way that I never really understood before. It has helped me to use rebounds differently to feel the shadow of the pose. The theory has really helped me apply the teaching into my practice on a much deeper level. What we are doing, how we do it mindfully and how to properly teach in this way.
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Michelle, Australia
AMAZING! Life changing . Motivating . Self-Empowering . Quality . Quality . Quality
I found it difficult to compare the price that was double what I paid in India for my 200 hour course. If I had known the quality of the course and the teaching I would have easily justified the price without hesitation. I didn’t know if I was going to like the teacher but got over this after a scroll on Instagram. I gained a lot of confidence in knowing how flexible you can be with Yin Yoga in order to let your true self shine through to help change lives (in self and in others). I 100% recommend this course – YES! Love & Light, Love & Light, Love & Light. See you soon!
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Sergii, Ukraine
I didn’t have an a-ha moment, I had an a-ha 10 days!
Amazing, truly amazing! Such a great experience. These Yin classes are the best I have ever experienced and this course is the best I have attended amongst my previous 3 training’s. The quality of teaching and teacher training is so high and the lectures are so exciting. I hope that you can see my happy face. Your classes are powerful. Thank you, you are the best
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