Yin Yoga: Pranayama, Meditation and Mindfulness
– 100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training –
How You Will Develop:
Course Summary
Functional Anatomy
Yin Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Mindfulness training will take you beyond the asana into the pranic dimension of the body. You will learn how to integrate pranayama into the Yin Yoga space in a traditional and safe way. The meditation and mindfulness part of the training moves you through the mental sphere of the Yin Yoga practice, equipping you to develop your practice while widening your toolkit. You will leave this training with a toolkit of traditional Yogic practices that can be combined with Yin and Yang styles of Yoga and that transform and connect mind, body and breath in a unique but simple way.
The Day
1) Week 1: Yin Yoga with Pranayama & Meditation
2) Week 2: Yin Yoga with the pillars of mindfulness and a one on one consultation with the lead teachers
Morning Nurturing Practice:
This is the main practice of the day. This Yin Yoga will take you deep within yourself to see, feel, hear, love and nurture things that are invisible, intangible and inaudible to the mind on the surface layer. Within the safe space of the shala you will have nothing but time and heartfelt support to come home to yourself.
This is the juicy bit of the course where we will have the opportunity to intricately break down the components of Yin yoga, pranayama, meditation and mindfulness to reveal what it all means. In the first week we break down Yin theory, principles and practice; western and yogic anatomy of pranayama; meditation theory and practice. In the second week we take a sound look at how yin yoga, pranayama and meditation link into the pillars of mindfulness. With the added depth of philosophy and personal journalling, we focus on helping you find your Dao, your way, path, purpose.
Art of Teaching:
These classes are where we will breakdown what it means to teach Yin Yoga. This is the ‘how to’ and the ‘why to’. You could call this the ‘behind the scenes’ of teaching. The art of teaching is a discussion-based class and active participation from students is welcome and encouraged.The workshops require small group work from students for experiential learning. This session is ultimately about you and how to build your teaching expertise with the help from us. We help you find your voice, your method and your alignment in teaching from your heart.
Evening Empowering Practice:
Evening practice incorporates a multitude of inner practices that range from yang styles of yoga and movement, to a meditation circle and spiritual practices.
Week 1 : Yin Yoga with Pranayama and Meditation 50 Hour
Week 2 : Yin Yoga and Pillars of Mindfulness – 50 Hour
*In between module 1 and 2 there is one day off*
There are two parts to the training
This course offers you the time to move into the parasympathetic nervous response with the beat of your own rhythm. Embodying your body-mind-breath connection throughout the course you will feel revitalised and inspired. You will develop and deepen your Yin Yoga practice way beyond asana.
On a teaching level you will be empowered and confident. We will explore how the pillars of mindfulness, meditation and pranayama can be seamlessly interwoven into an asana class, strongly enabling you to offer a more profound Yin Yoga experience to your students.
This course offers the what, why, where, when and how. Through experiential workshops and theory sessions you will be introduced to not only the how to practice but the why to practice.
**This course has a strong thread of art of teaching**
The art of teaching will prepare you to understand the responsibilities of being a Yin Yoga teacher, looking at key aspects within teaching methodology. Specific techniques shall be shared pertaining to pranayama, meditation, mindfulness, Yin and Yoga.
Being an experiential, positive and inspirational learning environment, you will embody the physical, energetic, mental and emotional realms within the yin yoga practice from two points of view: the practitioner and the teacher.
Yin Yoga brings you home to yourself, where you become whole
What you will gain from this course:
I needed a breath of life in my yoga practice. I needed a different angle on Yoga that the one I currently had. I really enjoyed the focus on ‘how to’ teach. I feel that this was something I was greatly missing in my teaching. Yoga can be an open source to everyone and I realised how many ways there are to uniquely teach Yin Yoga. Thank you! Om, Shanti Shanti
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