Limited Edition Yin Teacher Training Fall Bundle
Pranayama, Meditation, Mindfulness
& Yoga Nidra
180 hours
– This is where Yoga teachers go deeper –
Yoga Alliance Certified
15 Available Until 16th November

Dive into the breath behind asana, the mind behind meditation and bring it all to your students in a safe way.
This is where Yoga teachers go deeper
Self paced training through videos, audios, documents and support

Yin & Yoga Nidra
Yin, Pranayama, Meditation & Mindfulness

Yin & Pranayama & Meditation Classes
You will experience different class intentions based on the modules content, demonstrating the art of teaching practices discussed in the course.
Work with the deeper dimensions through a variety of pranayama, mindfulness and meditation techniques.

This is where we intricately break down the components of Yin yoga, and reveal how they all are intertwined together. You will be able to link practice and theory together for a fundamental understanding and experiential learning.

Art of Teaching:
This is what it means to teach yin yoga. This is about the responsibility of teaching Yin Yoga and facilitating the space. You will be empowered and confident to host a safe and authentic class, without losing your special touch and personality.

Yoga Nidra Classes
Let yourself surrender with a variety of Yoga Nidra practices. Bridge the gap between Yin and meditation and step into non-sleep deep rest, where healing happens.

Course Timeline:
This course is on an online portal and is self paced. This is the perfect course to fit around your personal schedule and daily life.
Success Stories From Our Community

Paige, Canada
My students can already feel a difference!
I really learned a lot. I have so many pages of notes. I am so excited about this journey. It is so nice to have the feedback and chat about everything I am going through like this. It is just so nice to have your teaching!
Like Reply 8d

Amy, Australia
Online course is perfect!
I have absolutely LOVED week 1 of the course. The way you present it and the speed of your voice is just so perfect, really above and beyond what I expected!
Like Reply 2w

Sophie, UK
The approach of Shanti Atma is real and well balanced!
This is a proper course, after which you feel confident about your practice and the knowledge gained. The teachers are present with you all the time 100%. Meaning they are concerned with everyone understanding and sharing proper and accessible knowledge. I probably jumped into learning about Yin Yoga, so taking this course allowed me to level up experience and knowledge . It lightened up a few key areas of my yin teaching that my students appreciate a lot. I have great feedback! Great school and team! I would go back on training any day!
Like Reply 4w

Michelle, Australia
AMAZING! Life changing . Motivating . Self-Empowering . Quality . Quality . Quality
I found it difficult to compare the price that was double what I paid in India for my 200 hour course. If I had known the quality of the course and the teaching I would have easily justified the price without hesitation. I didn’t know if I was going to like the teacher but got over this after a scroll on Instagram. I gained a lot of confidence in knowing how flexible you can be with Yin Yoga in order to let your true self shine through to help change lives (in self and in others). I 100% recommend this course – YES! Love & Light, Love & Light, Love & Light. See you soon!
Like Reply 12d

Marthe, Norway
I love the structure
Thank you for this course. I love the structure of it, the way you explain everything and the way it makes me feel. I learned a lot in only two days, that I already used in my class..
Like Reply 5h

Francesca, UK
I am so glad that I did this course!
I just slipped into a trance. You are an amazing yin teacher and I can already tell I am so happy that I did this. I did not know this much about fascia at all as we didn’t go through it on my last yin training.
Like Reply 15w

What you Get

Yin, Pranayama, Meditation, Mindfulness & Yoga Nidra Bundle
180 Hrs (YACEP)

The Power of Yin, Breath & The Mind
WEEK 1: Foundation of Yin Yoga
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Class
Introduction to Yin Yoga
Yin-Yang Energy
Yin Principles, practice & propping
Art of Asana
Teaching and practising: with the lens of Yin
Self Study
WEEK 2: Developing awareness
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 1 Review
Yin Yoga as a tool for awareness cultivation
Documentary about Awareness and consciousness
Teaching and practising: with awareness
Self Study
WEEK 3: Foundation of Pranayama
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 2 review
Theory of Pranayama
Types of Pranayama
How to teach Pranayama
Teaching and practising: Yin yoga with pranayama
Self Study
WEEK 4: The Power Of Breath
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 3 Review
Anatomy of breathing
Yogic perspective on breath
Integration of pranayama and Yin practice
Teaching and practising: being guided by the breath
Self Study
WEEK 5: Foundations of Meditation
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 4 Review
Theory of Meditation
Types of Meditation
How to teach Meditation
Teaching and practising: with a meditative mind
Self Study
WEEK 6: The Power of Meditation
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 5 Review
Meditation and Brain Waves
Recommended Meditation videos
Integration of meditation and Yin practice
Teaching and practising: with a sharp and attentive mind
Self Study
WEEK 7: Developing Mindfulness
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 6 Review
Mindfulness Theory
Principles and pillars of Mindfulness
How to teach Mindfulness
Teaching and practising: Yin yoga as a mindful experience
Specialist Guest Interview – Positive Psychology, Mindfulness & The Breath
Self Study
WEEK 8: Science of Body – Mind Connect
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 7 Review
Science of body-mind connect
Teaching and practising: Focusing on the body-mind connection
Self Study
WEEK 9: Expanding Yin Yoga
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Class
Week 8 Review
Yin Yoga beyond the asana – Integrating Yin into life
How to reach all audiences
Teaching and practising: Yin outside the mat
Self Study
The Bridge of Yin & Yoga Nidra
WEEK 10: You Holistic Teaching and Practice
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Class
Review of week 1-9
Your breath, your mind, your own Yin yoga approach
Peaceful power of planning and vision
Self Study
WEEK 1: Foundations of Yin Yoga
Yoga Nidra & Yin Class
Introduction to Yin Yoga
Yin-Yang Energy
Yin Principles, practice & propping
Art of Asana
Teaching and practising: with the lens of Yin
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 2: Bio Individuality of Yin Yoga
Yoga Nidra& Yin Class
Week 1 Review
Functional Anatomy
Skeletal Variation
Integrity of the body: Fascia and Yin Yoga
Target Areas
Your art of teaching: Responsibilities and Space
Art of Asana
Teaching and practising: with awareness
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 3: The Brain on Yoga
Yoga Nidra & Yin Class
Week 2 review
Meditation Theory
Meditation and Brain waves
Your art of teaching: Communication
Art of Asana
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 4: The Power of The Practice
Yoga Nidra & Yin class
Week 3 Review
Mindfulness Theory
Art of Asana
Your art of teaching: Sequencing
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 5: Foundations of Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra & Yin Class
Week 4 review
Introduction to Yoga Nidra
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Why and How Your Practice
Art of Asana
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 6: Restful Living, Mental Alertness
Yoga Nidra & Yin Class
Week 5 Review
History of Yoga Nidra
Case Studies
Art of Asana
Self Study Soul Work
Empowering with Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 6 Review
Principles of Yoga Nidra Practice
Teaching Responsibly: The importance of space
Art of Asana
Self Study Soul Work
WEEK 8: From Yin Yoga to Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra & Yin Class
Week 7 Review
Beyond physical Relaxation
The Bridge between Yoga Nidra and Yin Yoga
Setting up a Yoga Nidra class: The what, why and how
Art of Asana
Self Study Soul Work
By Joining this Online Training You Will Receive
>> 180 hours of educational content
>> Yoga Alliance Certifications Upon Completion
>> Practical Assignments
>> Practical Workshops
>> Lifetime access to all content

What you will gain:

Still Have Questions?
Do I need to have completed a 200 hour training?
No, you do not need to have any previous yoga education. On this Yin Yoga course there is an introduction to the foundation of the practice and teaching of Yin Yoga as well as the body and its anatomy. The course builds upon this foundation to deepen the experiential learning of Yin Yoga. Everyone is welcome to deepen their path whether teaching or practising.
Is This Refundable?
All purchases are non-refundable due to the time, effort and energy that has gone in to create them for you.
The student takes responsibility for the purchase of the course as we take the decision to develop as a Yin teacher seriously.
Is this Yoga Alliance certified?
Is the course self paced?
Yes – all tiers are self paced
Will I be able to teach after this course?
You will be prepared and have the foundations needed to sequence, structure and hold a safe and authentic Yin Yoga class
What is the investment?
Each tier has a different investment. Please check above on the “purchase now”
What if I have already trained in Yin Yoga?
There will always be things to learn from additional courses. Everybody has different experiences and comes from different expertise. It is good to have a variety of training in one style.
Does the course have a start and end date?
No – You can start and finish whenever is right for you
Can you download the content?
The documents are downloadable. The videos are only available on the online portal. You will have your personal log ins to your private online portal space.
Can I contact you if I have any questions during the course?
Yes of course! We have a separate email for all online course trainees
Is this course the same as the other Shanti Atma trainings?
No. This is the foundation course which will prepare you for the more advanced training’s.